User Responsibilities

The User shall bear any loss as a result of his/her own actions, including, but not limited to:

In the event of a User’s malicious, manipulative, or abusive use of the Service, a violation of these Terms of Service, and/or any other behaviours or methods utilized to gain an unfair advantage, as determined at our sole discretion, we reserve the right to take necessary action, including, but not limited to, closing a User’s account, placing restrictions on account transactions, freezing assets in the User’s account, commencing legal action against the User and/or pursuing other measures of recourse. In the event the User is not cooperative, the User shall bear all costs incurred as a result of any action taken by the relevant Parties, including legal fees. In addition, Users shall take full responsibility to ensure the account information is verified before making the transfer so that digital assets or cryptocurrency are transferred into the correct account. If a User transfers in digital assets or cryptocurrency to a wrong account and such account is controlled by us, we will have the sole discretion to reject such transfer and return to the User the relevant amount of digital assets or cryptocurrency (after deduction of applicable handling fees).

Last updated